Why is Personal Progress Important?

Why is Personal Progress Important?

Are you looking for a job or a promotion but lack a specific skill which you would like to progress in?



Doing an online course or a part time college course which only lasts for 3 to 6 months can significantly benefit you in achieving the job you wish to require. 

Have you ever considered attending a new class such as product management, digital marketing or customer experience?


The benefits of participating in a part time college course:


  • A mentor whom you can interact with face to face will follow you;
  • Fixed program which you are obliged to follow: so you are constantly on track and never fall behind;
  • You have the opportunity to meet new people with the same interests who could help you during your course and even after.


There are many advantages in doing a course at college, only if it fits your daily routine, otherwise this can become a problem. The best solution for this is an online course.


The benefits of attending an online course:


  • you are flexible to organise your daily routine, enabling you to follow the course whenever you want;
  • The device you choose to study from does not matter, (i.e, laptop, smartphone, tablet etc). This is also the same for the environment you decide to study at (i.e, home, cafe, library, park ect);
  • One big advantage in online courses are that you save a lot more money than traveling daily to college and buying books;
  • Online material is provided all online and transport is obviously not needed.


Recent surveys suggested that 44% of online students reported improvements in their profession by obtaining a job within 12 months of completing their online course, and 45% reported an increase in their salary.


If you are finding it hard trying to search for a job and it seems like you are endlessly applying with no results, maybe the best thing is not to keep trying, but to improve yourself by broadening your skillset and knowledge in the field  you are looking to work for.



Here are some of the best websites to find interesting online courses :






Further readings

Things You Should Never Say in an Interview

Thinking of Working Abroad?

Photos You Should Never Have on Your LinkedIn Profile


Giampiero Di Tizio

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