Ways to Make a Good Impression in Your New Job

Starting a new job can be quite scary, diving into the some what unknown. The first day is a mix of emotions with excitement as well as anxiety. It is also where your new colleagues will see and speak to you for the first time, developing an initial impression of you! However, being prepared can definitly ease them nerves and help you make a good lasting impression with the colleagues you will be working with. Check out some key points on how to make a good impression!
Be Prepared
The impression and impact you made when you did your interview depended on how well you prepared for it. So, exactly like your interview, do your homework! Make sure you understand your job responsibilities, research the company again and understand the culture of the company. Preperation will help you start smoothly and with confidence in your upcoming role.
Be Presentable and Punctual
Even if your employer has clearly stated what is suitable to wear, it is still important to start your first few weeks at your new job being well presented. Once you have started, you will have a better understanding on what type of clothing is appropriate to wear.
Make sure you are always on time. Whatever the situation, it is wise to leave for work with a good amount of time to get there with calm. Even if you arrive 10-15 minutes before you start, you will have a good advantage adjusting yourself to the area and the enviroment. Maybe even time for a strong coffee to start your day off full of energy!
Be Organised and Proactive
If you ever have some free time to spare, use it to familiarise yourself to your surroundings. This will help you organise and understand your place of work. For example, toilets, coffee machines, departments, etc.
More specifally, organise yourself by managing your time and note down your weaknesses and where you need to improve.
Be proactive by asking questions or if people need help. If you can show leadership or initiative on your first day, it’s a huge positive and people will appreciate your help and your efforts. Try and put yourself forward for tasks and other reponsibilities you feel confident in succseeding.
The main point is to prepare yourself fully for everything you will be doing and the situations you may face when starting your new job. Be positive and curious, introduce youself self to everyone and absorb as much information about the company as you can!
Further reading