How to Leave a Job In The Right Way

Are you thinking of a career change? Are you looking for something more satisfying or just bored of where you are now? Leaving a job and all your co-workers you have built good relations with is not easy and the last thing you want is to leave on bad terms. Here are ways we can keep on good terms when leaving a job.
Give Appropriate Notice
In most companies, giving two weeks notice is the standard amount of time an employee needs to give the emploer when leaving the job. However, giving one months notice is more professional and will be appreciated a lot from your employer. This will give the employer more time to find a replacement and also understand more about your responsibilities in depth. This will give you more time also to part ways with ease. Failing to provide proper notice before quitting could put employers and clleagues in a difficult situation and may leave them struggling to fill your prior position, while also covering the responsibilities associated with the job. This will then leave a very bad impression on your exit.
Offer Training to Others
Once you have given your notice, you should never have a “i don’t care now” type of attitute. You are still working for that company. you should let your employer and coworkers know that you are willing to help. there will be a lot of work to be carried out before leaving, such as training others on your role, delegating and explaining current assignments or projects, notifying important emails and files. When you are willing to help with the transition of leaving the company, you leave a positive, long lasting impression.
Continue Being a Helping Hand
Once you have started you new job, if there is no conflict of interest with your previous one. Then it is important that you continue to help your ex employer for at least a short period of time. Questions may be asked after you leave about, accounts, clients, misplaced files, processes or procedures, it could be anything. Even though you are not obligated to do so, these small acts will go a long way with your ex employer and coworkers.
Keep in Touch
Changing jobs doesn’t have to mean losing contact with former coworkers. Today, staying in touch is easier than ever before with social media, texts, emails, and smartphones. Even if changing jobs is a busy and stressful period, it should never be an excuse to lose contact with your past colleagues. There could be a time where you need a reference or maybe even where you would like to return!
Further Readings:
Ways to Receive Feedback After You Interview
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